
Completion of the 2024 Agri-Food Technology Investment Roadshow > Agriculture & Smart NEWS

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Completion of the 2024 Agri-Food Technology Investment Roadshow

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자
댓글 0건 조회 53회 작성일 24-06-20 09:51


The Korea Institute of Planning and Evaluation for Technology in Food, Agriculture, and Forestry (Director Noh Su-hyun, hereinafter "IPET"), the Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation (Director Seo Hae-dong, hereinafter "AFTC"), the Korea Agricultural Technology Promotion Agency (Director An Ho-geun, hereinafter "KATPA"), and the Korea Food Industry Cluster Promotion Agency (Chairman Kim Young-jae, hereinafter "KICPA") announced that the "2024 Agri-Food Technology Investment Roadshow" (hereinafter "Tech Investment Roadshow") was held on May 30th (Thursday) at Dragon City.

IPET, AFTC, KATPA, and KICPA signed a memorandum of understanding last year to support and collaborate on technology, startups, and funding in the agri-food sector, leveraging each organization's strengths to support agri-food companies.

Accordingly, the Tech Investment Roadshow is a jointly organized event that aims to help companies with excellent technology secure funding and create market entry opportunities. This year's event, held under the slogan "Agri-Food Tech Investment: Walking the Path of Growth Together," marks its third year since 2022 and supports investment presentations, consultations, product exhibitions, and demonstrations for companies with outstanding agri-food technology. A total of 50 companies from agri-tech, green bio, and food tech, recommended by each organization, along with over 100 experts, including venture investors, startup accelerators, and purchasing and distribution managers from large corporations, participated in the event.

The investment presentations and consultations allowed companies to present their business performance and technological excellence to venture capitalists (VC, CVC) and accelerators. With 20 companies and 50 investors in attendance, the event facilitated in-depth discussions on investment through one-on-one consultations with interested investors.

The companies that participated in the investment presentations and consultations included:
- 10 food tech companies: Sweetdo Co., Darloll Company, Mr. Milk, Butterrum Co., SweetBio, Sorella Co., SNE Company, Aging, Youth F&B, Front Door Market Co.
- 2 green bio companies: V Nature Biolab, Genesis Eco
- 8 agri-tech companies: The Dash Co., Mannas CEA Co., Biofriends, Seongho SI Corporation, Ten Liter Co., Artwa Co., LEDion, UBEN Co.

Additionally, 30 companies participated in the product exhibition and demonstration to promote their products and technologies and to have the opportunity for sales expansion consultations with invited large corporations, distributors, and MDs. The exhibition included global accelerators like Lighting up Ventures, providing consultation opportunities for domestic startups aiming to enter overseas markets.

The companies that participated in the product exhibition and demonstration included:
- 9 food tech companies: Namsobon Co., Ltd., Agricultural Corporation Nuri Co., Laon B&F, ReBio Co., Ltd., Medipresso Co., Sobudang, Soyou F&B Co., Ltd., LeeU Box, Humill
- 10 green bio companies: The Day One Lab, BMarine Co., Ltd., Cell & Vax, Enbiosel, Camelo Tech, Korea Soft Co., Ltd., Teragreen, Power Player, Prox & Rem Co., Ltd., Hello My Pet
- 11 agri-tech companies: Dongyang Techwin Co., Ltd., DK Eco Farm Co., Ltd., Robos, Mamkkot Garden, New Farm Co., Ltd., Agricultural Corporation IO Crops, E-Friend Co., Ltd., CareSix, TNT Research Co., Ltd., Farm Connect Co., Ltd., Feed Up

During the event, a 'talk concert' was held to share perspectives between companies and investors. Representatives from three companies—iSight Lab, which commercialized pet nose recognition technology; Permit, a smart farm solution developer; and SY Solution, an alternative meat manufacturer—shared their candid experiences related to technology development, startup, market entry, and attracting investments. An investor from BNK Venture Investment, which operates the Agri-Food Fund of Funds, and a representative from the agri-food startup accelerator MY Social Company also participated in the talk, offering advice on investment strategies for agri-food companies. Additionally, a networking dinner was arranged to facilitate communication between all participating companies and investors.

A representative of a company that presented at the investment session said, "Even though we were interested in attracting investments, it was challenging to find suitable investors. We are grateful to the organizers for providing an opportunity to meet investors interested in our technology." A company that conducted consultations for entry into department stores and online shopping malls during the product exhibition and demonstration stated, "Through consultations with purchasing and distribution managers, we have taken a step closer to entering major distribution channels. We will strive to diversify our sales channels through follow-up consultations."

An official from the organizing institutions said, "We hope that the Agri-Food Technology Investment Roadshow provided opportunities to address the need for funding and market expansion for companies," and added, "We will continue to carefully monitor and support companies' market entry challenges through collaboration among institutions."



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